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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the degree Bachelor of Arts:

Total number of hits is 5535, and record(s) 241 to 260 are:  
241. An introduction to standard works in classical Chinese literature
242. Modern Chinese literature (1917-1949) II
243. Modern Chinese language II
244. Translation criticism II (Chinese-English)
245. Xiqu of the Yuan and Ming periods
246. Prescribed texts for detailed study I
247. Translation in practice II (Chinese-English)
248. Europe and Scandinavia: Economies, business cultures, and social models
249. Language studies for translation I
250. Ci poetry: selected writers
251. Translation criticism III (English-Chinese)
252. Prose: selected writers
253. Shi poetry: selected writers
254. Foundations of European Studies
255. Modern European lifestyle: fashion, food, music and sex in Europe
256. Introduction to western art history
257. Translation I (Chinese/Japanese, Japanese/Chinese)
258. Advanced translation, Japanese to Chinese
259. Language, thought, and culture
260. Critical thinking and logic
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