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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the degree Bachelor of Arts:

Total number of hits is 5535, and record(s) 2861 to 2880 are:  
2861. Selected topics in social and cultural anthropology
2862. Selected topics in social and cultural anthropology 2
2863. Prescribed texts for detailed study (shijing)
2864. Special topics in history (part 2)
2865. Modern English and modern writing
2866. Language and social interaction
2867. Early ching government and society, 1644-1684
2868. Special topic in history: modern Germany, 1871-1992
2869. Pragmatism
2870. Introduction to economics 1
2871. Comparative economic systems
2872. Survey sampling
2873. East Asian and Western fiction: crisis and modernisation
2874. Intellectual history of China (part 1)
2875. Translation criticism 1
2876. Intellectual history of China (part 2)
2877. Semantics
2878. American literature 1: imagination of the New World
2879. Coastal geomorphology
2880. Japan, 1500-1912
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