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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the degree Bachelor of Arts:

Total number of hits is 5535, and record(s) 3301 to 3320 are:  
3301. Applied hydrology and water quality
3302. China and the West, 1644-1800
3303. Revolutionary China, 1911-1949
3304. Philosophy of language
3305. Selected topics in price theory
3306. Economics of property rights
3307. Psychology of adolescent development
3308. Introduction to abnormal psychology
3309. Social change in south and southeast Asia
3310. Japanese language 2
3311. Theme of initiation in Anglo-American and Chinese fiction
3312. Chinese language and literature: a survey of the Chinese language
3313. Shi poetry: shi up to the nineteenth century
3314. History of China: period 2: the period of the Song and Yuan dynasties
3315. Chinese philosophy 1 (part 2)
3316. Contrastive study of English and Chinese grammar
3317. Survey of Japanese art (supplementary paper)
3318. Birth of the modern world: Western art from 1750 to 1880
3319. Economic geography
3320. Remote sensing of the environment
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