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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the degree Bachelor of Arts:

Total number of hits is 5535, and record(s) 3341 to 3360 are:  
3341. Contemporary Chinese literature since 1949 (part 2)
3342. Introduction to English studies
3343. Varieties of English
3344. United States and the Pacific
3345. Topics in social philosophy
3346. Philosophy of love
3347. Music in the twentieth century
3348. Contemporary Chinese literature since 1949 (part 1)
3349. Chinese literary criticism (part 2)
3350. English novel from Defoe to the Brontes
3351. East: interpretations of the Orient in English literature
3352. Archaeology in Chinese art
3353. Special topic in history: China-Hong Kong relations in historical perspectives, 1841-1949
3354. Philosophy of sciences
3355. Government and politics of the United States of America
3356. Gender and society
3357. Statistical methods in the arts
3358. Operational research 1
3359. Prescribed texts for detailed study: tso-chuan
3360. China
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