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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the degree Bachelor of Arts:

Total number of hits is 5535, and record(s) 3661 to 3680 are:  
3661. Economics of finance
3662. Public personnel administration
3663. Operational research 1
3664. Japan in Japanese 1
3665. Romantic love-past and present
3666. Modern Chinese literature (1917-1949) (part 1)
3667. Japan, 1500-1912
3668. Music from 1740-1914
3669. International finance
3670. Introduction to number theory
3671. Special topics in history (part 1)
3672. Writing and society
3673. Survey of Japanese art
3674. Geomorphology
3675. Music in the twentieth century
3676. International politics
3677. Psychology of personality
3678. Organizational psychology
3679. Demographic science
3680. Comparative studies in the novel
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