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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the degree Bachelor of Arts:

Total number of hits is 5535, and record(s) 3721 to 3740 are:  
3721. Studies in American culture
3722. Intellectual history from the seventeenth century to the present day (part 1)
3723. Translation in practice 1: translation from English into Chinese
3724. Commentary and analysis 1: a critical study of Chinese translations of selected English writings (part 2)
3725. Biogeography
3726. History of Hong Kong since 1941
3727. Quantitative methods in economics
3728. Political theory 1
3729. Introduction to abnormal psychology
3730. Culture and society
3731. Probability theory
3732. German 2.2
3733. Japanese language 3
3734. Prescribed texts for detailed study: tso-chuan
3735. Reformism and traditionalism in twentieth century Chinese painting
3736. Social geography
3737. Modern Southeast Asia
3738. Atlantic community: America and Europe in the twentieth century
3739. Topics in social philosophy
3740. Music from 1740-1914: listening
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