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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the degree Bachelor of Arts:

Total number of hits is 5535, and record(s) 3941 to 3960 are:  
3941. Population and society
3942. Operational research 1
3943. Modern Chinese literature (1917-1949) (part 1)
3944. Intellectual history from the seventeenth century to the present day (part 2)
3945. Language and communication
3946. Chinese painting and calligraphy
3947. Geography of Japan: man, culture and environment
3948. Geography of Japan: special issues
3949. United States and the Pacific
3950. China and the West, 1800-1949
3951. Economics of property rights
3952. Law and politics of the basic law
3953. Prose: prose up to the nineteenth century
3954. Prose: selected writers
3955. Introduction to the contrastive study of English and Chinese grammar
3956. Geography of urban planning
3957. Chinese and Hong Kong labour movements, 1884-1949
3958. China after 1949
3959. Modern Japan since 1912
3960. Philosophy of religion
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