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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the degree Bachelor of Arts:

Total number of hits is 5535, and record(s) 5521 to 5535 are:  
5521. Sociology of deviance 2
5522. History of China: period 3: the period of the Ming dynasty
5523. Commentary and analysis 1: a critical study of Chinese translations of selected English writings (part 1)
5524. English literature from about 1350 to about 1670: Chaucer to Bunyan
5525. Comparative studies in drama
5526. Sociolinguistics
5527. Geomorphology
5528. General geomorphology
5529. Europe, 1789-1918
5530. Asia and the West to 1800
5531. Topics in social philosophy
5532. Music in the twentieth century
5533. Analysis
5534. Functions of a complex variable
5535. German 2.1
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