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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the degree Bachelor of Arts:

Total number of hits is 5535, and record(s) 1701 to 1720 are:  
1701. Contemporary Chinese literature since 1949 (part 1)
1702. History of China: period 3: the period of the Qing dynasty
1703. General morphology
1704. American literature 2: between origins and modernism
1705. Introduction to Western art history
1706. History of the art of Europe
1707. United States and the Pacific, part 2: since 1945
1708. Sartre and phenomenology
1709. Economics of finance
1710. Introduction to abnormal psychology
1711. Social research methods
1712. Information systems in organizations
1713. Computer concepts and programming
1714. French 2.2
1715. Media Japanese 2
1716. Chinese language and literature: an introduction to standard works in Chinese literature and readings in Chinese literature
1717. Modern Chinese literature (1917-1949) (part 1)
1718. History of China: period 1: the period of the wei, jin and the northern-and-southern dynastics
1719. Shi poetry: selected writers
1720. Phonetics and phonology
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