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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the degree Bachelor of Arts:

Total number of hits is 5535, and record(s) 161 to 180 are:  
161. Prose up to the nineteenth century
162. Chinese phonology
163. Translation criticism
164. Introduction to standard works in modern Chinese literature
165. Ci poetry up to the nineteenth century
166. The sickly beauties: gender and illness in late imperial China
167. A comprehensive survey of Chinese linguistics
168. Shi poetry up to the nineteenth century
169. Classical Chinese literary criticism
170. Introduction to translation
171. Classical Chinese fiction
172. Modern Chinese literature (1917-1949): fiction
173. A survey of the Chinese language
174. Literature,modernity and nation in twentieth-century China
175. Language contrast and translation II
176. Elementary logic (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
177. Introduction to translation
178. Prose up to the nineteenth century
179. Linear algebra
180. University mathematics A
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