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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the degree Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance:

Total number of hits is 444, and record(s) 421 to 440 are:  
421. Mathematics for social sciences: course 1.1
422. Mathematics for social sciences: course 1.2
423. Company law
424. Computer concepts and programming
425. Introduction to Western art history
426. Business law
427. Investment analysis
428. Introduction to social administration
429. Introduction to the philosophy of social science
430. Finance
431. Introduction to political science
432. Introduction to public administration
433. Introduction to management
434. Cost accounting
435. Japanese language 1a
436. Introduction to accounting
437. Organizational behaviour and introduction to human resource management
438. Mathematics for social sciences: course 2
439. Financial accounting 1
440. Elementary statistical methods
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