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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the degree Bachelor of Social Sciences:

Total number of hits is 3408, and record(s) 241 to 260 are:  
241. Nature conservation for sustainable societies
242. Economic geography
243. Environmental management
244. Transport and society
245. Tourism and the shrinking world
246. Landscape ecology for sustainable societies
247. Environmental management: impact assessment
248. Corporate social responsibility and environmental auditing
249. Ecosystem services and sustainable society
250. Global development
251. Making sense of politics
252. Transport geography
253. Introduction to geographic information systems
254. Silk roads past and present: Chinas belt and road initiative in perspective
255. Urban geography I: growth,function and pattern of cities (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
256. Public administration in China
257. Political geography
258. Urban planning: principles and practices
259. Environmental change and socio-political conflicts
260. Contemporary Chinese politics
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