181. Advanced database systems |
182. Artificial intelligence (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
183. Computer graphics (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
184. Visualization and visual analytics (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
185. Blockchain and cryptocurrency (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
186. Discrete mathematics |
187. Modern Technologies on World Wide Web (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
188. Quantum algorithms and computer architecture (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
189. Natural language processing (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
190. Introduction to financial technologies (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
191. Analysis and design of enterprise applications in UML |
192. Topic in financial computing |
193. Topics in financial technology |
194. Computer programming (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
195. Programming technologies (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
196. Functional programming (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
197. Cyber Security (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
198. Computer programming I (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
199. Computer programming II (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
200. Software engineering (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |