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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Computer Science:

Total number of hits is 1477, and record(s) 381 to 400 are:  
381. Data mining
382. E-payment and cryptocurrency
383. Computer game design and programming
384. From human vision to machine vision
385. Securities transaction banking
386. Distributed ledger and blockchain
387. Quantum information and computation
388. Data mining
389. Analysis and design of enterprise applications in UML
390. Multimedia technologies
391. Introduction to data structures and algorithms
392. Introduction to financial computing
393. Discrete mathematics
394. Advance database systems
395. Introduction to cyber security
396. Reverse engineering and malware analysis
397. Computational intelligence and machine learning
398. Computational intelligence and machine learning
399. Computational intelligence and machine learning
400. Image processing and computer vision
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