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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Computer Science:

Total number of hits is 1523, and record(s) 1421 to 1440 are:  
1421. Software quality assurance
1422. Algorithms
1423. Introduction to database management systems
1424. Advanced database technologies
1425. Design and analysis of algorithms
1426. Image processing and computer vision
1427. Electronic commerce technology
1428. Foundations of Biocomputing
1429. High-performance computing
1430. Foundations of computer science (supplementary paper)
1431. Principles of operating systems (supplementary paper)
1432. Principles of programming languages (supplementary paper)
1433. Computer concepts and programming (supplementary paper)
1434. Computer architecture (supplementary paper)
1435. Machine organization and assembly language programming (supplementary paper)
1436. Design and analysis of algorithms (supplementary paper)
1437. Computer organization and operating systems
1438. Web technologies
1439. Artificial intelligence
1440. Computer architecture
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