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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Computer Science:

Total number of hits is 1523, and record(s) 1501 to 1520 are:  
1501. Introduction to computer graphics
1502. Machine organization and assembly language programming
1503. Computer networks and data communications
1504. Computer organization and operating systems
1505. Topics in computer systems
1506. Fundamentals of distributed computing
1507. Discrete mathematics
1508. Geometric computing
1509. Artificial intelligence
1510. Advanced computer graphics
1511. Topics in information systems
1512. Programming methodology and object-oriented programming
1513. Special topics in information systems 1
1514. Foundations of computer science
1515. Computer and information security
1516. Computer architecture
1517. Introduction to data structures and algorithms
1518. Software design
1519. Software engineering
1520. Special topics in parallel and distributed computing
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