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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Earth Sciences:

Total number of hits is 769, and record(s) 461 to 480 are:  
461. Earth systems
462. Introduction to atmosphere and oceans
463. Mineralogy and geochemistry
464. Natural hazards and geological risk (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
465. Regional geology
466. Blue planet
467. Introduction to environmental science (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
468. Hidden order in daily life: a mathematical perspective
469. Engineering geology (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
470. Introduction to physical geology
471. Environmental life science (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
472. Earth, environment and society
473. Introduction to atmosphere and oceans
474. Hydrogeology (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
475. Meteorology (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
476. Blue planet
477. Regional geology
478. Igneous and metamorphic petrology
479. Feeding the world (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
480. Earth systems
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