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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Electrical and Electronic Engineering:

Total number of hits is 3020, and record(s) 2001 to 2020 are:  
2001. Principles of computer engineering
2002. Fundamentals of electrical engineering
2003. Computer organization and assembly language programming
2004. Digital communications systems
2005. Optoelectronics and lightwave technology
2006. Mobile radio communications
2007. Electronic materials and devices
2008. Digital image processing
2009. Power system distribution
2010. Circuits
2011. Scalable parallel computing
2012. Communications networking
2013. Biomedical electronics and sensors systems
2014. Engineering science (supplementary paper)
2015. Electrical power (supplementary paper)
2016. Electric power and machines (supplementary paper)
2017. Mathematics (supplementary paper)
2018. Engineering mathematics (supplementary paper)
2019. Communications engineering (supplementary paper)
2020. Power electronics (supplementary paper)
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