2541. Software engineering |
2542. Computer communications |
2543. Communication systems |
2544. Organization and management |
2545. Basic computer architecture |
2546. Computerized power system control |
2547. Circuits and linear systems (supplementary paper) |
2548. Electrical engineering and electronics (supplementary paper) |
2549. Power electronics (supplementary paper) |
2550. Electronics for measurement and control (supplementary paper) |
2551. Introduction to computer architecture (supplementary paper) |
2552. Electromagnetic theory (supplementary paper) |
2553. Analogue electronics (supplementary paper) |
2554. Communications engineering (supplementary paper) |
2555. Data structures and algorithms (supplementary paper) |
2556. Physical electronics (supplementary paper) |
2557. Electromagnetic theory (supplementary paper) |
2558. Computer programming techniques (supplementary paper) |
2559. Applied electricity (supplementary paper) |
2560. Engineering science (supplementary paper) |