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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Electrical and Electronic Engineering:

Total number of hits is 3071, and record(s) 321 to 340 are:  
321. VLSI design principles (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
322. Engineering management and society
323. Optical devices
324. Computer networks (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
325. Power system distribution
326. Electronic and mobile commerce (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
327. Deep learning and applications (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
328. Mathematical tools for modern power system analysis
329. Engineering management and society
330. Multivariable calculus and elementary partial differential equations (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
331. Sustainability and climate change
332. Economics,finance and marketing for engineers
333. Electric railway systems
334. Advanced railway engineering
335. Power electronics
336. Engineering management and society
337. Electric vehicle technology
338. High-performance computer architecture
339. Telecommunications systems and management (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
340. Electric circuit theory
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