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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Electrical and Electronic Engineering:

Total number of hits is 3071, and record(s) 381 to 400 are:  
381. Advanced power system operation
382. Electric railway systems
383. Wireless communications & networking
384. Advanced power electronics
385. Introduction to electricity and magnetism
386. Power system protection and switchgear
387. Artificial intelligence and deep learning
388. Digital communications
389. Deep Learning and applications
390. Engineering management and society
391. Digital signal processing
392. Pattern recognition and machine intelligence
393. Engineering management & society
394. Pattern recognition and machine learning
395. Pattern recognition and machine learning
396. Signals and linear systems
397. Electrical energy conversion (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
398. Optical devices
399. Electronic circuits and devices II
400. Power delivery management for metropolitan cities
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