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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Electrical and Electronic Engineering:

Total number of hits is 3071, and record(s) 401 to 420 are:  
401. Electronic commerce and mobile commerce
402. Electronic circuits and devices
403. Engineering management and society
404. Optoelectronics and lightwave technology
405. Control and instrumentation
406. Economics,finance and marketing for engineers
407. Advanced mobile apps development
408. Microscopy
409. Dynamical power networks: modelling and stability
410. Sustainability and climate change
411. Computer organization & microprocessors
412. Advanced railway engineering
413. Electric vehicle technology
414. High performance computer architecture
415. Smart grid and renewable energy systems
416. Power electronics
417. Building services - Electrical Installations
418. Advanced electric vehicle technology
419. Signal and linear systems
420. Success in industrial entrepreneurship
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