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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Electrical and Electronic Engineering:

Total number of hits is 3071, and record(s) 561 to 580 are:  
561. Power system analysis and control
562. Advanced networking technologies (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
563. Smart grid
564. Computer organization and microprocessors
565. Digital signal processing
566. Advanced power system operation
567. Dynamical power networks: modelling and stability
568. Systems and network programming
569. Robotics
570. Microscopy
571. Introduction to stochastic processes
572. Sustainability and climate change
573. Economics,finance and marketing for engineers
574. Electric vehicle technology
575. Fuzzy systems and neural networks
576. The role of a computerized SCADA system in power system operation
577. Energy saving lighting
578. Electronic circuits
579. Engineering management and society
580. Communications policy and regulations (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
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