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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Electrical and Electronic Engineering:

Total number of hits is 3020, and record(s) 1741 to 1760 are:  
1741. Analogue electronics
1742. Advanced digital signal processing
1743. Engineering and society
1744. Signals and linear systems
1745. VLSI design principles
1746. Advanced power electronics
1747. High-performance computer architecture
1748. Computer architecture
1749. Putonghua for engineers
1750. Microwave and fibre optics
1751. Engineering mathematics 3
1752. Control and instrumentation
1753. Fundamentals of electrical engineering
1754. Assembly language programming and microprocessors
1755. Introduction to information engineering
1756. Information theory and coding
1757. Electric energy conversion
1758. Electric drives and traction
1759. Image processing and computer vision
1760. Power electronics
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