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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Electrical and Electronic Engineering:

Total number of hits is 3020, and record(s) 1881 to 1900 are:  
1881. Engineering mathematics 1
1882. Advanced power electronics
1883. Advanced topics in communication theory and systems
1884. Communication systems
1885. Engineering and society
1886. Digital signal processing
1887. Microprocessor and PC engineering
1888. Engineering mathematics 2
1889. Advanced computer networks
1890. Satellite and mobile communications systems
1891. Power transmission and distribution
1892. Computer organization and microprocessor
1893. Analogue electronics
1894. Power system engineering
1895. Organization and management
1896. Fundamentals of software engineering
1897. Computer organization and assembly language programming
1898. Introduction to information engineering
1899. Software engineering and operating systems
1900. Fundamentals of electrical engineering
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