221. Water resources and management (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
222. Introduction to disaster risk management techniques (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
223. Transport accessibility in Europe |
224. Networks and geography: An introduction to social network analysis (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
225. The Chinese economies: Location,transformation,and integration (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
226. Modern Maps in the Age of Big Data (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 22-12-2020
Course: GEOG1020
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
227. Global development (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 22-12-2020
Course: GEOG2030
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
228. Sustainable development (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 21-12-2020
Course: GEOG2013
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
229. Healthy food,place,and sustainability (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 21-12-2020
Course: GEOG2154
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
230. Economic and social development in an urbanizing world (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 19-12-2020
Course: GEOG1012
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
231. Smartphones,K-pop,and Kimchi: South Korea beyond the miracle (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 18-12-2020
Course: GEOG2153
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
232. Contemporary global environmental issues (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 17-12-2020
Course: GEOG1003
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
233. Political geography (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 17-12-2020
Course: GEOG2136
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
234. Urban planning: principles and practices (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 16-12-2020
Course: GEOG2065
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
235. Corporate social responsibility and environmental auditing (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 16-12-2020
Course: GEOG3214
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
236. Environmental management: impact assessment (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 15-12-2020
Course: GEOG3207
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
237. Transport and society |
238. Atmospheric environment and global climate (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 12-12-2020
Course: GEOG2004
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
239. Living in a Hazardous World (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 11-12-2020
Course: CCST9034
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
240. Introduction to geographic information systems (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 11-12-2020
Course: GEOG2090
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted