261. Corporate social responsibility and environmental auditing (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 16-12-2020
Course: GEOG3214
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
262. Environmental management: impact assessment (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 15-12-2020
Course: GEOG3207
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
263. Transport and society |
264. Atmospheric environment and global climate (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 12-12-2020
Course: GEOG2004
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
265. Living in a Hazardous World (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 11-12-2020
Course: CCST9034
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
266. Introduction to geographic information systems (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 11-12-2020
Course: GEOG2090
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
267. Globalizing China: the land and the people (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 11-12-2020
Course: GEOG2126
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
268. Landscape ecology for sustainable societies (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 11-12-2020
Course: GEOG2140
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
269. Ecosystem services and sustainable society (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 11-12-2020
Course: GEOG3213
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
270. Tourism and the shrinking world (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 10-12-2020
Course: GEOG2056
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
271. Introductory spatial analysis (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 10-12-2020
Course: GEOG2120
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
272. Urban China: cultural basis and contemporary issues (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
273. Environmental change and socio-political conflicts (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 9-12-2020
Course: GEOG2124
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
274. Introduction to China’s environmental and sustainable development issues (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 9-12-2020
Course: GEOG2150
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
275. Urban studies: social and cultural perspectives (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 9-12-2020
Course: GEOG3423
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
276. Urban development and planning: the Hong Kong experience (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 9-12-2020
Course: GEOG3424
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
277. Public policies and regional development (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) |
278. Transport geography (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 8-12-2020
Course: GEOG2018
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
279. Urban geography I: growth,function and pattern of cities (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 8-12-2020
Course: GEOG2078
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
280. Silk roads past and present: Chinas belt and road initiative in perspective (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 8-12-2020
Course: GEOG2142
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted