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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Geography:

Total number of hits is 1146, and record(s) 781 to 800 are:  
781. Countryside recreation and management
782. Atmospheric environment and global climate
783. Sustainable urban transport
784. Geography of foreign investment and trade in China (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
    Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 11-12-2008
    Course: GEOG7102
    Department: Geography
    Remark: Restricted
785. Contemporary global environmental issues (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
    Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 10-12-2008
    Course: GEOG1003
    Department: Geography
    Remark: Restricted
786. Economic and social development in an urbanizing world (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
    Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 10-12-2008
    Course: GEOG1012
    Department: Geography
    Remark: Restricted
787. Environmental monitoring and assessment
788. Globalizing China I: resources, politics, and population
789. Engineering for transport systems
790. Global development
791. Urban geography I: growth, function and pattern of cities
792. Tourism and the shrinking world (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
    Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 8-12-2008
    Course: GEOG2056
    Department: Geography
    Remark: Restricted
793. Economic development in rural China (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
    Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 8-12-2008
    Course: GEOG2082
    Department: Geography
    Remark: Restricted
794. Changing population structure in modern society
795. Public policies and regional development
796. Map use, reading and interpretation (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
    Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 23-5-2008
    Course: GEOG1005
    Department: Geography
    Remark: Restricted
797. Globalizing greater China: politics, economy, and society
798. Modern environmentalism: society-environment relations
799. Transport and development
800. Nature conservation for sustainable societies
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