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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Geography:

Total number of hits is 1146, and record(s) 841 to 860 are:  
841. Trees for green and liveable cities
842. Urban planning: principles and practices
843. Trees in urban landscape & design
844. Countryside recreation and management
845. Tourism and the shrinking world (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
846. Transport law and management
847. Geography of foreign investment and trade in China
848. Fundamentals of geographic information systems
849. Human geography in a globalizing world (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
850. Leisure and recreation in modern society (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
851. Land economy, administration and resource management
852. China: environment and sustainable development
853. Principles and practice of ecotourism (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
854. Economic and social development in an urbanizing world (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
855. Transport geography
856. Regional geography of Europe
857. Chinas tourism resources and management (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
858. Modern environmentalism: society-environment relations
859. Sustainable development
860. Environmental hazards
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