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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Geography:

Total number of hits is 1146, and record(s) 1001 to 1020 are:  
1001. Physical environment of China
1002. Principles of environmental management
1003. Urban geography II: city structure and urban land use models
1004. Map use, reading and interpretation (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
1005. Climate change and the environment
1006. Modern environmentalism: society-environment relations
1007. Urban planning in practice in Hong Kong
1008. Transport economics
1009. Analysing GIS data
1010. Economic and social development in an urbanizing world (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
1011. Port and airport development
1012. China: the land and the people
1013. Chinas tourism resources and management
1014. Biogeography and ecosystem modifications
1015. Transport geography
1016. Economic geography
1017. Urban hydrology and water quality
1018. Environmental mapping and risk assessment
1019. Cultural heritage management and tourism
1020. Geography of wine
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