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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Geography:

Total number of hits is 1146, and record(s) 1021 to 1040 are:  
1021. Engineering for transport systems
1022. Environmental GIS
1023. Hong Kong: land, people and resources
1024. Fundamentals of geographic information systems
1025. Countryside recreation and management
1026. Public policy and regional development
1027. Earth surface processes and landforms
1028. Sustainable cities: theory and praxis
1029. Geography of foreign investment and trade in China
1030. GIS data processing
1031. Vegetation in urban landscape management
1032. Urban geography 1: growth, function and pattern of cities
1033. Transport law and management
1034. Sustainable urban transport
1035. Chinese economies: Location, transformation, and integration
1036. Environmental monitoring and assessment
1037. Urban planning: principles and practices
1038. Economic development in rural China
1039. Environmental management: impact assessment
1040. China: environment and sustainable development
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