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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Geography:

Total number of hits is 1146, and record(s) 1041 to 1060 are:  
1041. Photogrammetry and remote sensing
1042. Internet GIS
1043. Retail location
1044. Transport geography
1045. China: the land and the people
1046. Natural resources and conservation
1047. Biogeography and ecosystem modifications
1048. Physical environment of China
1049. Population geography
1050. Water resources and management
1051. Urban geography 2: city structure and urban land use models
1052. Regional geography of Europe
1053. Digital terrain modelling
1054. Environmental hazards
1055. Sustainable development
1056. Urban planning in practice in Hong Kong
1057. China: development issues
1058. Environmental GIS
1059. GIS data processing
1060. Transport economics
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