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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Geography:

Total number of hits is 1146, and record(s) 1061 to 1080 are:  
1061. Countryside recreation and management
1062. Introduction to archaeology
1063. Environmental monitoring and assessment
1064. Cultural heritage management and tourism
1065. Transport and development
1066. Earth surface processes and landforms
1067. Coast and slope environments
1068. Urban geography 1 : growth, function and pattern of cities
1069. Economic development in rural China
1070. Analysing GIS data
1071. Environmental management: impact assessment
1072. Sustainable urban transport
1073. Urban planning: principles and practices
1074. Hong Kong: land, people and resources
1075. Atmospheric environment and global climate
1076. China: environment and sustainable development
1077. Fundamentals of geographic information systems
1078. Soils and the environment
1079. Geography of foreign investment and trade in China
1080. Cartographic presentation and visualisation
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