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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Geography:

Total number of hits is 1146, and record(s) 1081 to 1100 are:  
1081. Introduction to geographic information systems
1082. Engineering for transport systems
1083. Chinese economies: Location, transformation, and integration
1084. Retail location
1085. Sustainable development
1086. Climate change and the environment
1087. Transport geography
1088. Cultural heritage management and tourism
1089. Urban planning in practice in Hong Kong
1090. Rural and agricultural development in China
1091. Public policy and regional development
1092. GIs in transport planning and management
1093. Transport and development
1094. Economic geography
1095. Natural resources and conservation
1096. Modern environmentalism: society-environment relations
1097. Culture, development and city forms
1098. Population geography
1099. Principles of environmental management
1100. Regional geography of Europe
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