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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering:

Total number of hits is 1242, and record(s) 1081 to 1100 are:  
1081. Facilities design
1082. Applied dynamics (supplementary paper)
1083. Industrial studies 2 (supplementary paper)
1084. Quality assurance (supplementary paper)
1085. Mechanics of solids (supplementary paper)
1086. Industrial statistics (supplementary paper)
1087. Industrial automation (supplementary paper)
1088. Thermofluid mechanics (supplementary paper)
1089. Industrial studies 1 (supplementary paper)
1090. Work design and ergonomics (supplementary paper)
1091. Organisation theory and behavioural science
1092. Applied dynamics
1093. Design and manufacture
1094. Costing and finance
1095. Environmental engineering
1096. Plastics technology
1097. Reliability and maintenance of production and service systems
1098. Mechanics of solids
1099. Thermofluid mechanics
1100. Industrial automation
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