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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering:

Total number of hits is 1242, and record(s) 1161 to 1180 are:  
1161. Environmental engineering
1162. Industrial statistics
1163. Computer aided design and manufacture
1164. Industrial studies
1165. Methods engineering and work measurement
1166. Metal working technology
1167. Plastics technology
1168. Plastics processing technology
1169. Design and manufacture
1170. Product design and process planning
1171. Organization theory and behavioural science
1172. Industrial automation
1173. Managerial accounting and finance
1174. Reliability and maintenance of production and service systems
1175. Facilities design
1176. Operational research techniques
1177. Production and inventory control
1178. Costing and finance
1179. Industrial organization and management
1180. Management and contract organization
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