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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Mechanical Engineering:

Total number of hits is 2345, and record(s) 2321 to 2340 are:  
2321. Industrial studies
2322. Engineer in society
2323. Case studies of failure investigations
2324. Electrical engineering
2325. Marine technology
2326. Chemical engineering
2327. Applied thermodynamics
2328. Thermofluid mechanics
2329. Chemical engineering
2330. Marine vehicles
2331. Structural analysis and engineering fracture mechanics
2332. Mechanics of solids
2333. Acoustics
2334. Properties of materials
2335. Heat transfer and energy conversion
2336. Engineer in society
2337. Applied dynamics and control
2338. Numerical methods for engineers
2339. Mechanics of solids
2340. Service behaviour of materials
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