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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Mechanical Engineering:

Total number of hits is 2345, and record(s) 301 to 320 are:  
301. Advanced partial differential equations and complex variables
302. Sound and vibration (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
303. Service behaviour of materials (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
304. Principles of engineering management (supplementary paper)
305. Sustainable building design (supplementary paper)
306. Thermofluids for medical engineering
307. Air conditioning and refrigeration
308. Sources and control of air pollution
309. Statistics and mathematical analysis for medical engineering
310. Utility services
311. Engineering and technology management
312. Cell and tissue engineering
313. Fire science and smoke control
314. Mechanics of fluids
315. Biophotonics
316. Engineering thermodynamics
317. Gas engineering
318. Transport phenomena in biological systems
319. Energy: Its evolution and environmental impacts
320. Air pollution control
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