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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Mechanical Engineering:

Total number of hits is 2345, and record(s) 341 to 360 are:  
341. Thermofluids
342. Viscous flow
343. Water and Air Quality: Concepts and Measurement
344. Maintenance and management of building facilities
345. Multivariable calculus and partial differential equations
346. Applied stress and strength analysis
347. Advanced topics in materials research
348. Applied thermodynamics and power plant technology
349. Thermofluid mechanics
350. Fundamentals of electrical engineering
351. Fundamentals of aeronautical engineering
352. Automatic control
353. Air conditioning and refrigeration
354. Nanotechnology: fundamentals and applications
355. Engineering mechanics
356. Properties of materials
357. Energy: Its Evolution and Environmental Impacts
358. Air pollution control
359. Advanced topics in solids mechanics research
360. Heat transfer
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