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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Mechanical Engineering:

Total number of hits is 2345, and record(s) 381 to 400 are:  
381. Dynamics and control
382. Mechanics of fluids
383. Extra-low-voltage electrical systems in buildings
384. Principles of engineering management (supplementary paper)
385. Fire protection in buildings
386. Fire science and smoke control
387. Microsystems for energy,biomedical and consumer electronics applications
388. Mechanics of solids
389. Product design and development
390. Utility services
391. Thermofluids
392. Applied thermodynamics and power plant technology
393. Engineering & technology management
394. Air conditioning and refrigeration
395. Fundamentals of aeronautical engineering
396. Renewable energy technology II: Advanced
397. Project management
398. Fundamentals of electrical engineering
399. Computer-aided product development (CAPD)
400. Applied stress and strength analysis
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