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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Mechanical Engineering:

Total number of hits is 2345, and record(s) 441 to 460 are:  
441. Product design and development
442. Building services engineering II
443. Computer-aided product development (CAPD)
444. Maintenance and management of building facilities
445. Applied stress and strength analysis
446. Atmospheric environment modelling
447. Utility services
448. Fundamentals of aeronautical engineering
449. Nanotechnology: fundamentals and applications
450. Nanotechnology: fundamentals and applications
451. Viscous flow
452. Energy conservation and management
453. Introduction to mechanical engineering
454. Project management
455. Communication technology in building services
456. Dynamics and control
457. Fundamentals of electrical engineering
458. Automatic control
459. Applied thermodynamics and power plant technology
460. Renewable energy technology II: Advanced
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