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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Mechanical Engineering:

Total number of hits is 2345, and record(s) 461 to 480 are:  
461. Mechanics of solids
462. Engineering mechanics
463. Energy: Its Evolution and Environmental Impacts
464. Electrical and electronic engineering
465. Computational fluid dynamics
466. Advanced topics in solids mechanics research
467. Properties of materials
468. Mechanics of fluids
469. Extra-low-voltage electrical systems in buildings
470. Advanced partial differential equations and complex variables
471. Introduction to mechanical engineering
472. Natural and hybrid ventilation of buildings
473. Finite element analysis in mechanics
474. Electrical installations
475. Renewable energy technology I: Fundamental
476. Building services engineering I
477. CAD/CAM
478. Materials for engineering applications
479. Service behaviour of materials
480. Energy and carbon audit
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