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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Psychology:

Total number of hits is 576, and record(s) 461 to 480 are:  
461. Counselling and guidance 2
462. Assessment 1
463. Assessment 2
464. Psychoeducational assessment 1
465. Psychoeducational assessment 2
466. Psychology of communication and persuasion
467. Perception, thinking and cognitive processes
468. Research 1
469. Research 2
470. Advanced statistics
471. Research methods
472. Introduction to the psychotherapies
473. Developmental psychology
474. Normal and abnormal functioning 1
475. Normal and abnormal functioning 2
476. Exceptional children 1
477. Exceptional children 2
478. Psychology of personality
479. Advanced social psychology
480. Organizational behaviour
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