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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Real Estate and Construction:

Total number of hits is 1230, and record(s) 501 to 520 are:  
501. Land and construction management II
502. Land and construction management III
503. Law and practice of arbitration
504. Land and construction economics I
505. Land and construction economics II
506. Land and construction management IV
507. Hong Kong land administration
508. Planning and markets
509. Facility management practice
510. Real estate finance
511. Economics for professionals
512. Alternative dispute resolution
513. Law for the real estate and construction industry
514. Real estate investment
515. Management theory and construction projects
516. Management theory and construction projects (supplementary paper)
517. Real estate economics (supplementary paper)
518. Land and construction management I (supplementary paper)
519. Economics for professionals (supplementary paper)
520. Construction II (supplementary paper)
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