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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Real Estate and Construction:

Total number of hits is 1230, and record(s) 741 to 760 are:  
741. Land and construction economics I (supplementary paper)
742. Land and construction management II (supplementary paper)
743. Land and construction management III
744. Property and construction law I
745. Construction IV
746. Land and construction economics IV
747. Land and construction economics I
748. Land and construction economics II
749. Land and construction management IV
750. Construction economics
751. Construction I
752. Land and construction management II
753. Property and construction law IV
754. Modern developments in the law of construction contracts
755. Land administration systems
756. Land and construction management I
757. Construction III
758. Land and construction economics III
759. Contract strategies and project management techniques
760. Construction II
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