Listing results for the department Sociology: |
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Total number of hits is 1320, and record(s) 521 to 540 are: |
521. Hong Kong popular culture |
522. Introduction to sociology |
523. Law and society |
524. Methods of research for criminology |
525. Crisis management |
526. Criminology |
527. Introduction to criminal justice |
528. Social theory and criminology |
529. Science, technology and society |
530. Sociology and social policy |
531. Gender and the law |
532. Introduction to forensic science |
533. Perspectives on crime |
534. Courts and the judicial process (supplementary paper) |
535. Juvenile justice (supplementary paper) |
536. Research methods in criminal justice (supplementary paper) |
537. Contemporary Chinese society |
538. Theoretical criminology |
539. The Asian economic miracles and beyond |
540. Understanding media studies |
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