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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Sociology:

Total number of hits is 1320, and record(s) 521 to 540 are:  
521. Hong Kong popular culture
522. Introduction to sociology
523. Law and society
524. Methods of research for criminology
525. Crisis management
526. Criminology
527. Introduction to criminal justice
528. Social theory and criminology
529. Science, technology and society
530. Sociology and social policy
531. Gender and the law
532. Introduction to forensic science
533. Perspectives on crime
534. Courts and the judicial process (supplementary paper)
535. Juvenile justice (supplementary paper)
536. Research methods in criminal justice (supplementary paper)
537. Contemporary Chinese society
538. Theoretical criminology
539. The Asian economic miracles and beyond
540. Understanding media studies
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