Listing results for the course code GEOG2093:
Total number of hits is 5, and record(s) 1 to 5 are: |
1. Visitor management in parks, heritage sites, and recreation areas (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 17-5-2010
Course: GEOG2093
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
| 2. Visitor management in parks, heritage sites, and recreation areas (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 16-12-2008
Course: GEOG2093
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
| 3. Visitor management in parks, heritage sites, and recreation areas (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer) Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 7-5-2008
Course: GEOG2093
Department: Geography
Remark: Restricted
| 4. Visitor management in parks, heritage sites, and recreation areas | 5. Visitor management in parks, heritage sites, and recreation areas |