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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Listing results for the department Geography:

Total number of hits is 1146, and record(s) 801 to 820 are:  
801. Engineering for transport systems
802. Hong Kongs environment: issues and policies
803. Physical environment of China
804. Port and airport development
805. Sustainable development
806. Urban hydrology and water quality
807. Transport economics
808. Climate change and the environment
809. Urban geography I: growth, function and pattern of cities
810. Analysing GIS data
811. Spatial distribution of hazards and disasters (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
    Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 8-5-2008
    Course: GEOG1014
    Department: Geography
    Remark: Restricted
812. Urban planning in practice in Hong Kong
813. Introduction to GIS in health studies
814. Economic and social development in an urbanizing world (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
    Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 7-5-2008
    Course: GEOG1012
    Department: Geography
    Remark: Restricted
815. Transport geography
816. Visitor management in parks, heritage sites, and recreation areas (Restricted access; Contact your lecturer)
    Exam date (d-m-yyyy): 7-5-2008
    Course: GEOG2093
    Department: Geography
    Remark: Restricted
817. Globalizing China I: resources, politics, and population
818. GIS in transport planning and management
819. Locational changes of global economic activities
820. An introduction to archaeology
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