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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Total number of hits starting with letter E is 769, and record(s) 451 to 500 are:  
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 to 9   
ELEC4145Building services - electrical services
ELEC4146Building services - electrical installations
ELEC4147Power system analysis and control
ELEC4148Smart grid and renewable energy systems
ELEC4149Basic lighting engineering
ELEC4241Communication systems
ELEC4244Multimedia signals and applications
ELEC4245Digital image processing
ELEC4247Information theory and coding
ELEC4248Photonic systems technologies
ELEC4250Control systems
ELEC4252Robotic control and vision
ELEC4256Wireless networking in the era of machine learning
ELEC4343Design of digital integrated circuits
ELEC4344Advanced electronic circuits
ELEC4442Advanced networking technologies
ELEC4542Introduction to deep learning for computer vision
ELEC4543Fuzzy systems and neural networks
ELEC4544Artificial intelligence and deep learning
ELEC4546Investment and trading for engineering students
ELEC4641Computer network security
ELEC4642VLSI design principles
ELEC6001Advanced topics in electric drives and control
ELEC6002Advanced electric vehicle technology
ELEC6003Advanced power electronics
ELEC6005DSP applications in communications
ELEC6006Communications policy and regulations
ELEC6007Internet protocols and services
ELEC6008Pattern recognition and machine learning
ELEC6014Digital communications I
ELEC6026Digital signal processing I
ELEC6027Integrated circuit systems design
ELEC6031Numerical methods for computer applications
ELEC6032Process and device design for VLSI circuits
ELEC6036High-performance computer architecture
ELEC6040Mobile radio communications
ELEC6041Machine vision
ELEC6043Digital image processing
ELEC6045Spread spectrum systems
ELEC6046Intelligent control
ELEC6048Neural computing
ELEC6049Digital system design techniques
ELEC6050Advanced topics in computer engineering and networking
ELEC6051Advanced topics in communication theory and systems
ELEC6053Biomedical electronics and sensors systems
ELEC6054Power system dynamics
ELEC6055Power system distribution
ELEC6056Power system operation
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