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HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Exambase
Total number of hits starting with letter Y is 37, and record(s) 1 to 37 are:  
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 to 9   
YAES0001Road in American culture
YFIA0001Introduction to Chinese art history
YFIA0002Introduction to Western art history
YFIA0003Art in a global context
YFIN0001Understanding financial markets
YFIN0002Current Asian Finance: issues, ideas and practices
YJAP0001Introduction to Japanese culture
YJAP0003Women in Japan and Hong Kong
YJAP0004Understanding popular culture in Japan and Hong Kong
YLAW0001Globalization, state and human rights
YLAW0004Law in a consumer society
YMAT0001Mathematics: a cultural heritage
YMEH0004Energy: its evolution and environmental impacts
YMUS0001General studies: the language of music
YMUS0002Music in society
YPHI0001Moral problems
YPHI0002Culture, value and the meaning of life
YPHI0003Philosophy of public issues
YPHS0001Stars, galaxies and cosmology for beginners
YPHS0002Science and society 1: the evolution of science and human culture
YPHY0001Human body
YSCN0002Mathematics: a cultural heritage
YSCN0003Stars, galaxies and cosmology for beginners
YSCN0008The great disasters
YSCN0009Introduction to astronomy
YSCN0013Nuclear energy and the environment
YSCN0015Art and Physics
YSCN0016Games and the mathematical mind
YSCN0018How Things Work
YSCN0021Science or fiction
YSCN0030Renewable energy
YSCN0033The science of music
YSCN0034Hidden order in daily life: a mathematical perspective
YSCN0037Feeding the world
YSOC0001Crime and punishment in Hong Kong
YSWK0001Emotions (eq), health and social competence
YSWK0002Women in Hong Kong: the constraints of gender in a modern city
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